I’m Excited to Speak with You

Here is what to expect during our time together

  • You WON’T be hard sold! I hate a hard sales pitch. Our call is exploratory. I need to hear more about your business and your offer before understanding how we can help. If you’d like to hear more, I’ll share. But my only goal is to understand your business and if what we do can enhance it.  

  • Come prepared with some numbers! I’d love to hear where prospects are currently coming from, what’s working, what’s not working - and how many clients you’re bringing on board monthly.

  • Be open to some new ideas… Sometimes the approach on Linkedin will be different than what you’re currently doing - we are constantly testing and retesting ideas and strategies that we share with our clients. 

  • Look at what we do from a pure numbers standpoint. If we show you scenarios of how many people we can put in front of you, then we just work the numbers backwards and generate what your ROI (return on investment will be - simple math!)